Kick-off meeting of DEMO-BLUESMARTFEED Project
Last 7th of February the Marine Technology Centre (CTN) organised the kick-off meeting of DEMO-BLUESMARTFEED Project (Demonstration project of a smart technology for monitoring the delivery of feed for a sustainable aquaculture) at its facilities. The Project is co-funded by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund. CTN, as project coordinator, organised the event and invited the project partners to start working on the project. The consortium is made up of Marine Technology Centre (Spain), Camar Industrial (Spain), Piscifactorías Albaladejo (Spain) and Plagton (Greece).
The Project Manager, Celia Murcia Lorenzo, started the kick-off introducing the main objectives and expected results of the project that will be developed during the next three years. Then, the European Projects Office Manager from CTN, Elen García, presented the European Commission guidelines to comply with the EU requirements during the project.
Aníbal J. Gutiérrez de Uriarte from Camar Industrial and Pablo Ruiz (CTN), who is the Technical Coordinator of the Project, explained the demonstration strategy of Acoustic Sensor for Feeding Control in Fish Farms (SICA) based on the optimization of the feed consumption in aquaculture farms in order to reduce significantly the non-eaten fish feed.
Celia Murcia (Project Manager, CTN)
Elen García (European Projects Office Manager, CTN)
Aníbal J. Gutiérrez de Uriarte (R&D Manager, Camar Industrial)
Pablo Ruiz (Project Technical Coordinator, CTN)
Pablo Ruiz, Dimitris Bokas (R&D Responsible, Plagton) and Mateo Ballester Moltó (R&D Responsible, Piscifactorías Albaladejo) presented the Work Package related to ‘Deployment of SICA sensor, testing and validation’ in order to install the SICA technology in Piscifactorías Albaladejo and Plagton offshore cages for seabass and seabream.
During the deployment of the technology at the offshore cages, the SICA will be improved to achieve its standardization and certification according to EU regulations. This was explained during the meeting by Aníbal J. Gutiérrez de Uriarte, representative of Camar Industrial and Rosa Martínez, researcher at CTN.
Apart from the technical improvements of the SICA, the consortium will develop a Commercialisation Plan for the market launch of the SICA.
Finally, María Bernabé, the Dissemination & Communication Officer from CTN presented the Exploitation, Communication and Dissemination Work Package, where the main objective is to maximize the impacts of the project and the dissemination activities.
Dimitris Bokas (R&D Responsible, Plagton)
Mateo Ballester Moltó (R&D Responsible, Piscifactorías Albaladejo)
Rosa Martínez (Researcher, CTN)
María Bernabé (Dissemination & Communication Officer, CTN)

Project partners

The DEMO-BLUESMARTFEED Project, Demonstration project of a smart technology for monitoring the delivery of feed for a sustainable aquaculture, is co-funded by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund.

This project has received funding from the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund of the European Commission under grant agreement EASME/EMFF/2017/