Consortium progress meeting of


Last 9th of December the Marine Technology Centre (CTN) organised the first Consortium progress meeting of DEMO-BLUESMARTFEED Project (Demonstration project of a smart technology for monitoring the delivery of feed for a sustainable aquaculture) at its facilities. The Project is co-funded by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund. CTNas project coordinator, organised the event and invited the project partners to continue working on the project. The consortium is made up of Marine Technology Centre (CTN)Camar IndustrialPiscifactorías Albaladejo and Plagton (Greece).

At this event, all partners analysed all the phases carried out until that moment in every work package. The Project Manager, Celia Murcia, undertook the welcome speech and introduced the WP1 by explaining the project implementation, the current budget status and the partners workplan related to expense statement.

Hereafter, Rosa Martínez, as CTN Researcher, exposed the preliminary results, the tools developed for the SICA technology and its outputs of WP2 and suggested some improvements for the SICA standardization attending to the preliminary results and explained the tasks and deliverables for WP4.

To collation with Rosa speech, Ivan Felis, as technical coordinator, explained a scheme with the improvements for next SICA and the new designs.

Later on, Ana Juan, as CTN Researcher, undertook an evaluation of the WP3, specially about procedures carried out for the monitoring phase and the improvements that were made in deployment and testing procedures, explaining also how and when the next phases of the project are going to be performed.

Finally, Dimitris and Alex Bokas (R&D Responsible, Plagton), Mateo Ballester (R&D Responsible, Piscifactorías Albaladejo) and Anibal Gutiérrez (R&D Manager, Camar Industrial), gave their feedback of the development of the project highlighting the strengths and suggesting enhancements for next phases.

Project partners during the Consortium progress meeting

The DEMO-BLUESMARTFEED Project, Demonstration project of a smart technology for monitoring the delivery of feed for a sustainable aquaculture, is co-funded by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund.

This project has received funding from the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund of the European Commission under grant agreement EASME/EMFF/2017/